by Jacal Chan

Since the invention of sweet, it has known to be a kind of snack besides normal meal. From the past, people criticize that sweet is detrimental to health. Someone even suggested that there should be a tax on sweets to protect public health. However, can the tax really protect people from health hazard?

In the recent economic recession, the significant of money become more obvious. From the news report, we know that the outcome of government is greater than income and it is really a severe problem for any government as it is the largest organization in the city. It seems that putting a tax on candies like wines and cigarettes is reasonable because they are not essential for living. Undoubtedly, it is better than put a tax on exports or imports that hit the re-export business adversely. On the other hand, as sweet has become an indispensable part in childrenˇ¦s life, no matter how expensive they are, children will still convince their parent to buy them some and it may only heavier the burdens of parent in the poor economic atmosphere.

Apparently, the sweet consumption will be affected by its price. If candies become more and more expensive, fewer and fewer people will buy it. It is the way that the tax can prevent people from eating sweets. But can it really deter sweet-lovers from buying it? Probably not. Actually, in many shops, sweets are not really cheap, some even worth several tenth dollars and the demand is still great. From the perspective of sweet- lovers, price is not the most concerned point. Although the increase in price may temporary decrease the demand of sweets, in long run, the effect is really insignificant.

From the notion impacted from our previous generations, none of us will deny the bad effect of eating sweets. You know as I do know that it would cause tooth decay and malnutrition as children always take candies instead of normal meal without tooth brushing. However, according to a dentist report, tooth decay is not mainly due to eating sweets. There are many other factors such as bad mouth hygiene. If a child doesnˇ¦t eat sweets, but he just take in a lot of other snacks and donˇ¦t brush their teeth frequently, tooth decay may still occur. It raises the point that sweet may not be detrimental if they are eaten in little amount with careful cleaning of tooth. Besides, there is a great problem to determine whether the tax should put on what kind of candies. As food technology is mushrooming, there is a breach type of sweet- sweet that is sugar free and nearly solves all the previous worries on health. Should a tax put on it?

In fact, there are still may gray region in this field. The government should consider opinions from both sides clearly before making any regime. Otherwise, the rough strategy will only be ridiculed by other countries and bring us numerous troubles in the future.
