by Debbie Ng

Question: Nucleus Power should be banned. Do you agree?

At first it seems a good idea that nucleus power be banned. Anti-nuclear groups argue that nuclear energy constitutes an unacceptable hazard to the public and that those who support the use of nucleus power are depriving them of the opportunity of living in a safe environment, in other words, putting them in danger. Surely, every one of us deserves a safer living environment, but this is not quite strong enough to prohibit the use of nucleus power. The first thing I would like to make clear is that just because radiation is harmful does not necessarily mean the use of nucleus must be that dangerous and second, those who oppose the use of nucleus power are no doubt underestimating the advantages we could get from using nucleus power. I reckon they would be in total agreement with the opposite side when they realize how useful it is. You know as well as I do that sooner or later, there will be an energy shortage crisis when all sorts of fuels are used up. So by the time we run out of fuels, we must look for an alternative source of energy and that would definitely be nucleus power. Unlike burning coal, nucleus power is clean and can hardly cause any environmental pollution. Besides, it is much more efficient and cheap. Some may argue that nucleus power is hard to control and that any minor mistake would end up in a disastrous result, even the whole world will be destroyed completely. But that is just a ridiculous exaggeration and hardly the way I would put it, since the nuclear power station are constantly maintained to meet the safety standards and are keep monitored by groups of experts to avoid any chance of leakage. So I do not see what harm use of nucleus power could bring.

In spite of electricity generation, chemotherapy is probably one of the most well known uses of nucleus power. It is a powerful treatment applied to cure patients suffering from cancer or having a tumor grown in their body. Chemotherapy can make a different between life and death to those patients. In the sake of their welfare, I am sure everyone knows what choice to make. There are still zillions of other uses, for example in industry and agriculture that I cannot possibly list all of them out. Just imagine how huge the impact to the community would be if nucleus power is banned.

It is my belief that the conflict exists not as a technical issue, but rather as a psychological one. Thus, I think the only permanent solution to this problem is to change the attitude of society toward nucleus power through governments¡¦ promotion and the education system.
