by Amy Ng

Nowadays, the mass media plays an important role in our society. They provide us with the latest information through newspapers, televisions, radios, magazines and Internet. Businessmen also use these to promote their products. However, some people think that advertising should not be allowed on radio or TV. These people seem to think that they are the only person who watch the TV and listen to the radio in our society, or even they have assumed that the other people are thinking of the same thing. They have definitely ignored other people・s right.

People should have their right to choose what to see and what to hear. Some people depend on radio or TV to learn the latest information about the daily necessities they need to buy, such as shampoo and bathing lotion, so they can compare brand A .s shampoo with brand B・s and decide which one is best for their money. But if they don・t like a program, they can just turn to another channel or even switch off the TV. Similarly, if they don・t like an advertisement, they can change the channel at the moment when that is on. They can make the decision for themselves whether or not to watch the advertisement.

Besides, TV stations and radio stations depend on advertising. Their earnings solely come from the businessmen who have used their means to promote the consumer goods. If advertisements are banned from TV and radio, these TV stations and radio stations will close down, as they can・t avoid making any programmers. Ultimately, the audience will suffer most. It is hard to imagine how boring our life will be without TV and radio.

Some people may argue that advertising makes them buy things which they don・t need. This is their own problem. Everyone in our society watch the same advertisement. However, they will take different actions. Some people really buy things which they don・t need while others only buy things which they need. Drawing from my own experiences, thinking is very important. We should think deeply before deciding whether or not to buy the things. There is no reason to blame others for our own mistakes.

Therefore, the idea of not allowing advertising on TV or radio is naive. We should be fair to everyone such as the audience, the mass media and the businessmen. I may agree to the idea that the government can control advertising by limiting the amount of time available but not the idea of banning it.
