by Tsoi Sum Yan

Although cloning technology can be used to increase food production, many people think that it will create problems for future generation and that it is unethical to reproduce any living things from gene.
As the President of the Science Club or Ethics Club at your school, write an article for the school news magazine expressing your view either for or against cloning. Give three strong reasons to support your view.

Shocking Technology

One has to sympathize with the clones reproduced to cure the illness of patients¡¦ by transplanting their living organs to the patients. The cloning technology has shocked the religionists and the educationalists thinking that it will create problems for future generation and that it is unethical to reproduce any living things from gene. However, scientists think that it can benefit people in many ways.

Cloning of human beings is very cruel and unethical. Once they are reproduced, they are living human beings the same as you and me. But most of the clones are usually used in organ transplant to heal the patients. Besides, some of them are used in experiment of testing new medicines. It is just like utilizing you and me to test the effect of cyanide and cutting out your and my living organs to help other people. Some scientists and doctors criticize that cloning is the most effective method to save life. This is because the clones and the patients have the same gene so that the organ of the clones can 100% match the patients that it would not cause any rejection of the transplanted organs. It is true that this method is effective. But those scientists and doctors forget one thing that the clones are not the white rats used in experiments. They are living human beings having their right to survive. They are not obliged to sacrifice their life to deliver other people¡¦s life.

Some scientists assert that cloning food can benefit people in various ways. It seems to be quite right that cloning can be used to increase the food production and improve the quality of the foodstuffs. However, there is no shortage of food in the world, just uneven distribution. Therefore increasing the food production is meaningless. Besides, cloning food is dangerous since it will make nature food unnecessary and break the food chain. This may result in the destruction of the environment. Consequently, people will suffer most. Much worse, cloning will make some food producers richer without necessary benefiting those in need. Therefore, cloning of food will create more harms than benefit to the people.

What¡¦s more, some people may abuse the technology. This is because patients in need are eager to pay as much money they can to buy the organs. Therefore, it is a profitable business. Bad people who have the cloning technique may reproduce large amount of clones to earn money. Also, cloning technology can enhance the development of bio-weapon. It is very dangerous for the terrorists to have this technology. Perhaps appropriate monitoring of the laboratories can prevent these abuses. However it is very difficult to monitor the laboratories and prevent the opening of the technique. It requires large amount of manpower and money. It is nonsense to spend so much to develop a technology which may shock the life of the people.

Cloning technology may save lives but may also to end them. The only problem that cloning can solve can be better and more safely solved through other means.
