Compare and contrast polypeptide with polysaccharide


Both polypeptide and polysaccharide are macromolecules and their polymers are built up from monomer.

They are organic compounds in common.

The monomer of polysaccharide is monosaccharide which is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, ratio of hydrogen: oxygen= 2:1 while the monomer of protein is amino acid which is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen with sulphur, no particular ratio.

They are formed by removal of water which is called condensation. And they can be broken down into subunits by hydrolysis.

Both polypeptide and polysaccharide can act as an energy source for organisms, though polypeptide is the last resort of energy source.


Each monomer of carbohydrate is a ring structure and has OH- and H+, and CH2OH group join to a carbon atom while each amino acid has amino (NH2) group and a carboxyl (COOCH) group.

Adjacent monosaccharide are joined by glycosidic bond between OH- groups of two monomers while adjacent amino acids is linked together by forming the peptide bond i.e. –C-C-N-C-C-N, with the R groups forming the side chain.

There are 20 essential amino acids due to different R groups. The R groups affect the charge/ polarity and hydrophobicity of the protein molecules. No such feature in carbohydrates.

Primary structure of protein is due to different sequence of 20 different amino acids which give rise to different proteins, there is no fix ratio of any amino acids in a protein molecule. The secondary structure of protein is an α helix. The polymers of carbohydrates also coil up in helix but may have branching chains. The tertiary structure of protein is a 3-dimensional shape molecule while there is no such tertiary structure in carbohydrates.

There are two types of polysaccharides: storage polysaccharides and structural polysaccharides. Polypeptide can only be structural but not storage since it will be broken down in a process called deamination.

Polypeptide can act as enzyme to catalyst specific reaction. It will work best in optimum temperature and pH. Also it will be denatured in extreme environment. However, polysaccharides can’t act as enzymes.

Polysaccharides are insoluble in water. Polypeptide will form a colloidal suspension when added into water.