Non-infectious diseases


Nowadays, there are many kinds of diseases all over the world. They can be classified as infectious and non-infectious diseases. For infectious diseases, they can be identified easily. However, the non-infectious diseases are more difficult to be discovered. And people in general always have some misconceptions about them. Therefore let¡¦s develop a deeper understanding of non-infectious diseases
Non-infectious diseases can be grouped into 3 main categories according to their main cause. They are: malfunctioning of body organs, unhealthy living style and unfavorable living environment.


Non-infectious diseases caused by malfunctioning of body organs


Cataract is an eye disease due to opacity of the lens. The most common cause is age related (degenerative), affecting most of the older elders. Other causes include inborn or congenital, injuries to the lens, and effects of drugs. Systemic illnesses like diabetes mellitus may lead to earlier onset of cataract.


Non-infectious diseases caused by unhealthy living style


Stroke is caused by blockage of blood supply to the brain. Reduced blood flow leads to insufficient oxygen and nutrient supply and hence damage or even death of brain cells. As a result, there is loss of certain brain function such as control over limb movement and speech. After stroke, many patients become dependent on others in daily activities and self-care.

Stroke is the third killer in Hong Kong after cancer and heart disease. Studies have shown that by reducing the risk factors of stroke, including smoking, insufficient exercise, stress, a high cholesterol and high animal fat diet and excessive alcohol, we can reduce the chance of stroke.
Coronary heart disease

Coronary arteries are arteries which supply blood to the heart to provide nutrients and oxygen. Coronary heart disease occurs when these arteries are narrowed or even blocked, which is caused by a process called atherosclerosis: as one grows older, fatty tissue deposits as plaques on the inside walls of arteries. This becomes thicker and thicker so that the lumen of arteries becomes narrowed.
If such process affects the coronary artery, there will be reduced blood supply to the heart, causing coronary heart disease. And if the process goes on, blood clots will be formed in the arteries leading to blockage of the arteries and resulting a heart attack.

To prevent coronary heart disease, we should quit smoking and avoid excessive drinking, having regular exercise, eat a balanced, low fat diet, avoid overweight and obesity, have a regular life and manage stress and have a regular follow up for chronic illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus.


Blood pressure is the pressure produced on blood vessels during contraction and relaxation of the heart. 90% of hypertension has no definite cause and is called "primary hypertension". They are probably related to hereditary factors. It usually presents after middle age. And the others are secondary to other diseases, such as renal failure.

To prevent hypertension, we should quit smoking, reduce dietary salt intake, increase physical activity, reduce weight, reduce alcohol consumption and check blood pressure regularly


Non-infectious diseases caused by unfavorable living environment


Asthma is the body reaction in response to a trigger the air tubes of the lungs become narrower or completely blocked due to inflammation thus restricting normal breathing. In severe cases, this inflammation can lead to death.
The causes of asthma are wide ranging. At the top of the list are specific allergens. People suffering specific allergy induced asthma are usually very aware of the offending allergen and try to avoid it. Pollutants, dust, smoke, irritants, chemicals, viral infections, bacteria, stress, emotion and exercise are other frequently diagnosed causes.
Besides these a
llergic causes, genetic link is another possible cause of asthma.



In the old days, people in general thought that having such kinds of diseases was because the patients had done something bad or that was the effect of bad fung shui. Besides, they thought that those diseases were infectious. Therefore if they found someone who had got such diseases, they would try to isolate them. And left them in some abundant places.

Nowadays, all those diseases are proved to be non-infectious. However, time is needed for changing the old people¡¦s mind. Discrimination must be avoided.

Actually, most of the non-infectious diseases can be prevented. The most important is a healthy living style. By having a balanced, non-fat diet, taking regular rest, doing regular exercises and having regular medical check-ups, our body will become strong automatically.