Non-infectious Diseases

Non-infectious disease means that the diseases which can not be communicated or transmitted .Examples include diabetes, allergies, cardiovascular disease, cancer genetic disease etc.



For cancer, this is the major cause of mortality around the world. Most scientists agree that the majority of cancer cases are related to lifestyle and environment, lifestyle adjustments and dietary changes that you make can reduce your risk of developing cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. For example, smoking is a risk factor for cancers of the lung, mouth, throat, larynx, bladder, and several other organs. Unprotected exposure to strong sunlight is a risk factor for skin cancer. Some risk factors, including lifestyle choices such as smoking, an unhealthy diet, and unprotected sun exposure. For instance, lung cancer is the largest single con­tributor to total cancer, most cases are due to smoking. So that, the reduction of smoking is the most important contributor to prevent cancer morbidity and mortality. The other most important types of cancer are those of the stomach and intestines, which are mainly due to eating habits. However, the modification of nutritional, reproductive factors may substantially alter cancer risk, and the limitation of occupational exposures, air pollution and the iatrogenic use of X-rays and certain drugs could also help to prevent cancer.



Cardiovascular diseases are also the main killers of the population in many countries, the risk factors include elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and smoking. Even a small reduction in the average blood pressure of the population could bring about a large reduction in cardiovascular diseases.

The role of habitual diet and blood cholesterol-lipoprotein level is well established and judge to be causal. Smoking, especially of cigarettes which contain carbon monoxide and it can be able to affect circulatory system thus circulatory efficiency may reduces by 15%. To compensate for the loss, the heart beats faster to increase blood flow to different parts of the body. This may induce a heart attack and a higher blood pressure. Lack of physical activity is associated with higher levels of the major risk factors, because regular exercise may help to reduce high blood pressure and blood cholesterol.



Asthma is not just a public health problem for developed countries. In developing countries, however, Asthma attacks all age groups but often starts in childhood. It is a disease characterized by recurrent attacks of breathless and wheezing, which vary in severity and frequency from person to person to person. In an individual, they may occur from hour to hour and day to day. 

This condition is due to inflammation of the air passages in the lungs and affects the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the airways so they become easily irritated. In an attack, the lining of the passages swell causing the airways to narrow and reducing the flow of air in and out of the lungs.

Moreover, asthma cannot be cured, but could be controlled. The strongest risk factors for developing asthma are exposure, especially in infancy, to indoor allergens (such as domestic mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture or dog) and a family history of asthma or allergy. A study in the South Atlantic Island found that children with asthma parents were much more likely to develop the condition.

For treatment, because asthma is chronic condition, it usually requires continuous medical care. Patients with moderate to severe asthma have to take long-term medication daily to control the underlying inflammation and prevent symptoms and attacks. If symptoms occur, short-term medications (inhaled short-acting beta2-agonists) are used to relieve them. 

By the way, mortality due to asthma is not comparable in size to day-to-day effects of the disease. Although largely avoidable, asthma tends to occur in epidemics and affects young people. The human and economic burden associated with this condition is severe. The cost of asthma to society could be reduced to a large extent though concerted international and national action.