GM foods should be banned”

Until now, scientists have developed the technology of changing the genetic information in organisms for nearly 20 years. However, our foods are slowly remolded by this technology and problems are raised at the same time. Thus, I absolutely object the use of gm foods with the following reasons


Before discussing any disadvantage of using gm foods, let me identify the meaning of it. Nowadays, scientists are learning to identify and modify genes controlling specific characteristics through the development of modern biotechnology. With the help of biotechnology, genes can be more selectively and precisely inactivated, or transferred from one organism to another to produce so-called genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The food derived from this way is put under the umbrella of the name "GM food".


Admittedly, using gm foods has its benefits. For example, it can prevent pests or disease by adding suitable genes in corn so that less pesticide can be used. However, since adding genes into the organisms will certainly destroy the essentiality of themselves, acute problems will happen. Here, let me introduce some facts about the disadvantage of using gm foods. In 1989, there had been an outbreak of the disease Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome (EMS) affecting over 1500 people with 37 deaths in the USA. EMS is characterized by flu-like symptoms, intense muscle pain and skin inflammation and even memory disturbances. The cause of this outbreak was linked to certain batches of a dietary supplement, L-tryptophan (an essential amino acid), manufactured in Japan. Some people believed that the use of genetically modified bacterium for the production of L-tryptophan was the main cause. Besides, scientists also proved gm food is harmful to human after 9 years. In 1998, a preliminary research conducted by Dr. Pusztai at Rowett Research Institute showed that "the effect [of feeding GM potatoes to rats] was slight growth retardation and an effect on the immune system". Hence the consumption of GM food may affect our immune system. Therefore, according to the above example, it shows that the technology of using gm foods is still not mature and is needed to improve.


You may argue that using gm foods can improve processing characteristics and increase crop yields, and hence stimulate the economic growth. But, just imagine that if all the people in one country eat the harmful gm foods, it will lead to many people become ill or even die. So, how can a country be stable or even say to have economic growth?


Furthermore, the widely use of gm foods will destroy the ecosystem slowly. According to the law of the jungle, when a powerful organism exists, the other more powerful one will exist and predate the on before. So, if we make a new type of stronger and powerful plant, stronger pests and bacteria will be developed. And finally, the one who lose will be humans.


Obviously, the disadvantages of using gm foods outnumber its advantages. And scientists still cannot exert the skill entirely. Therefore, gm foods must be banned until it can be proved it is safe.



                                               Leung Ho Chuen,Sam