Eutrophication and algal boom

Eutrophication is a condition in an aquatic ecosystem where high nutrient concentrations stimulate blooms of algae (e.g., phytoplankton).
Eutrophication is a natural process that occurs to all lakes over time as the weathering of rocks and soils from the surrounding catchment area leads to an accumulation of nutrients in the water and associated sediments.

Young lakes (and man made reservoirs) usually have low levels of nutrients and correspondingly low levels of biological activity. Such lakes are referred to a being oligotropic from the Greek work oligos meaning little or few. Literally oligotrophic means little-nourished.

Old lakes usually have high levels of nutrients and correspondingly high levels of biological activity. Such lakes are referred to as being eutrophic from the Greek word eu meaning well. Literally eutrophic means well-nourished.

The natural time scale for the aging of a lake from being oligotrophic to eutrophic is of the order of thousands of years. However, a high rate of input of nutrients (from human activities) can increase the rate of aging significantly resulting in eutrophic conditions developing after only a few decades. This artificial eutrophication has already happened in many parts of the world including the Norfolk Broads and parts of Holland, Denmark and Norway.

To renew all the water in a lake may take up to a hundred years compared to a few days for the renewal of the water in a river. Consequently, lakes are particularly susceptible to pollution such as artificial eutrophication.

The causes of eutrophication

The main causes of eutrophication are

  • natural run-off of nutrients from the soil and the weathering of rocks
  • run-off of inorganic fertiliser (containing nitrates and phosphates)
  • run-off of manure from farms (containing nitrates, phosphates and ammonia)
  • run-off from erosion (following mining, construction work or poor land use)
  • discharge of detergents (containing phosphates)
  • discharge of partially treated or untreated sewage (containing nitrates and phosphates)

In most freshwater lakes the limiting nutrient is phosphorus, so an input of phosphorus in the form of phosphate ions (PO43-) results in an increase in biological activity.

The effects of eutrophication

The main effects of eutrophication are an

  • increase in plant and animal biomass
  • increase in growth of rooted plants, e.g. reeds
  • increase in turbidity (cloudiness) of water
  • increase in rate of sedimentation
  • development of anoxic conditions (low oxygen levels)
  • decrease in species diversity
  • change in dominant biota (e.g. carp replace trout and blue-green algae replace normal algae) and an
  • increase in the frequency of algal blooms.  

Why Should We Be Concerned?
Although eutrophication is a natural process in the aging of lakes and some estuaries, human activities can greatly accelerate eutrophication by increasing the rate at which nutrients and organic substances enter aquatic ecosystems from their surrounding watersheds. Agricultural runoff, urban runoff, leaking septic systems, sewage discharges, eroded streambanks, and similar sources can increase the flow of nutrients and organic substances into aquatic systems. These substances can overstimulate the growth of algae, creating conditions that interfere with the recreational use of lakes and estuaries, and the health and diversity of indigenous fish, plant, and animal populations.

Algal blooms hurt the system in two ways. First, they cloud the water and block sunlight, causing underwater grasses to die. Because these grasses provide food and shelter for aquatic creatures (such as the blue crab and summer flounder), spawning and nursery habitat is destroyed and waterfowl have less to eat when grasses die off.  Second, when the algae die and decompose, oxygen is used up. Dissolved oxygen in the water is essential to most organisms living in the water, such as fish and crabs. Increased eutrophication from nutrient enrichment due to human activities is one of the leading problems facing some estuaries in the mid-Atlantic.





Algal blooms

Algal blooms are one of the more insidious consequences of eutrophication. In addition to being unsightly and smelly, masses of blue-green algae can literally choke the life out of a lake or pond by depriving it of much needed oxygen.

At first glance this may seem like something of a paradox - since blue-green algae undergoes photosynthesis, it should produce more oxygen than it consumes. However, after large concentrations of algae have built up, aerobic processes such as respiration and the decomposition of dead algal cells becomes increasingly significant. Under extreme conditions a eutrophic lake or pond may be left entirely devoid of fish.

The cause of algal blooms

Algal bloom: the rapid excessive growth of algae, generally caused by high nutrient levels and favourable conditions. Blooms can result in deoxygenation of the water mass when large masses of algae die and decompose, leading to the death of aquatic plants and animals.

Algal blooms are not a new phenomenon - Captain Cook recorded an algal bloom during his voyage in 1770!

Algae are a natural component of aquatic environments, and even when they are abundant, it is not necessarily a problem. Often a proliferation of microscopic algae can have beneficial effects on fisheries and aquaculture industries such as oyster or mussel farms by increasing the amount of food available. Macroalgae provide sheltered habitat for juvenile fish. In fact, the local fishery production in the Peel-Harvey estuary almost doubled in the 1970s when weed (macroalgae) growth in the estuary was at its peak, without a similar increase in fishing effort.

The effect of algal blooms

However, when algal blooms increase in intensity and frequency, the results can cause community concern, health problems, and in some cases can be catastrophic to the environment. The impacts are ecological, social and economic.

Algal blooms upset the delicate natural balance of plant and animal ecosystems in a waterway or wetland. They can degrade recreation, conservation and scenic values, and interfere with economic uses such as fisheries and tourism. Weed that washes ashore and forms rotting piles on beaches can cause offensive smells and become a health problem for nearby residents as well as a nuisance to beach users and fishers. An over-abundance of algae can choke a body of water such as a river, clog irrigation pipes, and block out the light other plants, such as seagrasses, need to produce food. Excessive weed growth can eventually kill seagrass beds. When an algal bloom dies the process of decay can use up all the available oxygen in the water, effectively suffocating other aquatic life. This can kill fish, crabs and other animals, especially those that are attached or sedentary (do not move around). Some species of algae produce toxins.

Furthermore, algae are a natural and critical part of our Chesapeake and Coastal Bays ecosystems.  Algae, like land plants, capture the sun¡¦s energy and support the food web that leads to fish and shellfish.  They occur in a size range from tiny microscopic cells floating in the water column (phytoplankton) to large mats of visible ¡§macroalgae¡¨ that grow on bottom sediments.

Algae may become harmful if they occur in an unnaturally high abundance or if they produce a toxin.  A high abundance of algae can block sunlight to underwater bay grasses, consume oxygen in the water leading to fish kills, produce surface scum and odors, and interfere with the feeding of shellfish and other organisms that filter water to obtain their food.  Some algal species can also produce chemicals that are toxic to humans and aquatic life.  Fortunately, of the more than 700 species of algae in Chesapeake Bay, less than 2% of them are believed to have the ability to produce toxic substances.


The deterioration of water quality and microbial hazards

There are several substances because of unsuitable treatment that cause the deterioration of water. They are as fallows:

Oxygen-demanding wastes

Most sewage contain organic materials and waste which are oxygen demanding. The natural system can undergo self-purification processes in which the organic materials and waste are broken down by bacterial and other biological activities naturally. During the process, oxygen is consumed. Later, oxygen can be 'refilled' gradually through a number of re-oxygenation processes.

However, natural systems have a limited capability to accommodate self-purification. If the oxygen required for biodegradation was greater than the oxygen present in water, oxygen depletion will occur. The activities of organisms will slow down or stop. Such situation usually happens due to high anthropogenic input of organic materials (like domestic and industrial sewage discharge) into water bodies.

Disease-causing agents

There are a lot of disease-causing micro-organisms entering the aquatic system by means of contamination from human and animal waste. Human can be affected through different water contact activities, like swimming, water drinking, etc. Diseases like cholera and typhoid may spread.

These disease-causing micro-organisms may spread to water only sporadically. And once there, they do not survive long. Thus, it is difficult to test their existence in water. Usually, we use fecal coliform as indicator species, such as Eschericia coli, to identify the problem of water contamination by disease-causing micro-organisms.

Thermal pollution

It would be cost-effective for industrial and commercial sectors to use water as agent for cooling. However, the discharge of such cooling water may artificially heat up the aquatic environment. Many aquatic organisms can only live within a narrow range of temperature. Different species live in different temperature ranges.

Apart from killing them, artificial heating of water can increase the physiological stresses to some species and interfere the natural life processes such as growth rates, respiration, reproduction, and distribution. Some species can survive in the new environment will become dominant in the ecosystem while previous dominant species become less dominant or even excluded. Heating up water can also reduce the dissolved oxygen which may directly kill aquatic species through asphyxiation.


In water, toxic chemicals can become attached, or absorbed, to sediment particles and then transported to and deposited in other areas. These pollutants can affect the organisms which live there and can build up toxin in organisms that feed on them, and so be passed along the food chain, causing problems all along the way. Sediments can also reduce the sunlight penetrating into water and thus the affecting photosynthesis for aquatic plants.

Plant nutrients

Plant nutrients, like nitrate and phosphate fertilizers are important to plant growth. However, too much fertilization encourages the overabundance of plant life. Eutrophication is the process by which the nutrient content in water is increased suddenly. It is a natural phenomenon until human accelerates it.

The prime contaminants are nitrates and phosphates, they overstimulate the growth of algae, causing unsightly scum and unpleasant odors, and depleting the DO of water that is vital to other aquatic life. Moreover, the algae cloud the water and block sunlight, causing underwater plants to die. Because these plants provide food and shelter for aquatic creatures (such as the blue crab and summer flounder), spawning and nursery habitat is destroyed and waterfowl have less to eat when plants die off.

In urban area, plant nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) enter the natural environment through anthropogenic sources, like sewage treatment effluents. In rural area, they enter the environment through applying fertilizer.

Petroleum hydrocarbons

Petroleum hydrocarbons in water can cause smothering in water, and also result in adverse health impacts on living organisms, loss of habitat, etc. Human activities introduce a great amount of petroleum hydrocarbons into water, including daily sewage, leaching, oil spills, underground tank leaks, etc.

Inorganic chemicals and minerals

Inorganic chemicals and minerals pollutants, such as acids and heavy metals, are directly or indirectly discharged from industrial and mining processes into sediments and water bodies. Acid rain and runoff not only threaten aquatic life directly through the effects of lowering pH, but also indirectly leaching, which may increase the heavy metal burden on receiving water bodies.

Synthetic organic compounds

There are huge amount of synthetic organic compounds worldwide, including plastics, solvents, detergents, pesticides, PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), pharmaceuticals, paints, etc. They are accidentally or intentionally discharged into the aquatic system. Some of the pure products, by-products, and waste products have a powerful and acute effect (quick impacts) or a long-term, chronic effect on the aquatic ecosystems. Since they are synthetic, these compounds may be resistant to biological breakdown and they may persist and accumulate in the environment or organisms.


Causes of Water Pollution in Hong Kong

There are three basic causes of water pollution in Hong Kong, including:

i) Multiplicity of Sources

There are many sources of water pollution, including anthropogenic (household, commercial, industrial, farming, etc.) and natural sources. Moreover, these sources are close to one another and in huge amount. Dredging and sea dumping activity can also lead to water pollution.

ii) Lack of Infrastructure

Sewage from Hong Kong lacks of treatment facilities. Currently, only 34% of Hong Kong's urban sewage receives primary treatment or better. In countryside, only septic tanks are provided. There is no sewerage provision for villages and squatters.

iii) Insufficient Control

In city, there are some illegal connections of waste water pipes to storm-water pipes. In this way, the waste water will be discharged directly into sea without treatment.