6. Explain the cause and effects of ozone depletion, global warming and acid rain. State the role of individual in overcoming these problems.

Ozone depletion

Ozone is a highly reactive gas comprising triatomic oxygen. It is formed by the combination of oxygen in the presence of ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere. It exists as a natural component of the atmosphere and is kept in a constant concentration of approximately 0.01 parts per million. The ozone layer is an important protective layer in the upper atmosphere. It provides a thermal blanket for the Earth, and protects life by filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Ozone depletion refers to a lowered concentration of ozone in the upper atmosphere. Evidence has been found that the ozone layer can be damaged by air pollutants, leading to the formation of ‘holes’. Today, scientists have discovered holes in the ozone layer over the Arctic and Antarctica. In other words, there is an increase in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. This can bring undesirable effects on organisms.

The cause of ozone depletion

      Recent studies show that the ozone hole has been formed due to chemical effects. Since ozone is formed and broken down continuously in natural processes, the rate of breakdown can be speeded up by the presence of ozone depleting pollutants such as hair mousses and household cleaning products; and also as solvents for cleaning electronic circuit boards and computer components.

The effects of ozone depletion

      The destruction of the ozone layer results in a significant increase in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. It may induce various adverse effects on human:

1.   Ultraviolet radiation has direct fects on DNA. It can modify the genetic information in body cells.

2.   An increase in the incidence of skin cancer, cataract and lung disease, as well as a reduction in the function of the immune system is probably due to the increase in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth.

3.   An increase in exposure to ultraviolet radiation can greatly reduce the yields of crops.

4.   Aquatic life, especially phytoplankton, is very sensitive to ultraviolet light. A reduction of its productivity in the ocean could disrupt the ecological balance of food webs. It is because phytoplankton id the producers in aquatic habitats.

5.   An increase in ultraviolet radiation leads to an increase in the incidence of photochemical smog.

Global warming

      Global warming refers to the gradual increase in the average temperature in the atmosphere as a result if the accumulation of greenhouse gases. The increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere slows down the hest loss from the Earth to the Space. As a result, the atmosphere is warming up. This leads to changes in climate and other subsequent effects on the Earth.

Greenhouse gases

      The greenhouse gases includes carbon dioxide, chlorofluoropcarbons, methane, nitrous oxides, ozone, water vapour, etc. some of them are natural components of the atmosphere, while some are released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. They play a key role in determining the climate. Different greenhouse gases are present in different concentration in the atmosphere. They have different warm potential, i.e. the efficiency in retaining heat. Hence different greenhouse gases have different contributions to the greenhouse effect.

      Although the warm potential of carbon dioxide is quite low compared with the other greenhouse gases, it is regarded as the most significant greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. The reasons are that it exists in a relatively high concentration in the atmosphere and that it can stay for relatively long period of time in the atmosphere.

Sources of greenhouse gases

      Greenhouse gases are generated by various human activities. Some of them are listed below:

1.   Tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide are releases into the atmosphere through burning of fossil fuels on motor vehicles, power stations and factories. The consumption of fossil fuels has been increasing since the industrial revolution. Today, the growth in human population, improvement of living standards and rapid industrial development are further increasing the demands for energy. A subsequent increase in release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is resulted.

2.   Deforestation also accounts for the increase on atmospheric carbon dioxide content. The decrease in the quantity of trees reduces the rate of removal of carbon dioxide in the air by photosynthesis. Timber may be used as fuel wood and burnt, or may be used to produce paper, furniture, etc. which are eventually incinerated or decomposed naturally. As a result, the large quantity of carbon stored in the trees will combine with oxygen and enter the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

3.   The extensive use of cooling agents, blowing agents, insulating and packing materials, aerosol sprays and solvents leads to the release of a large amount of chlorofluorocarbon compounds into the atmosphere.

4.   Extensive rearing of livestock is also a cause of global warming. A significant quantity of methane is released into the atmosphere from the manure of livestock in some countries.

The effect of global warming

A warmer global climate could have a number of possible effects:

1.   Thermal expansion of the oceans, melting of glacial ice, and melting of ice caps at Artic and Antarctic would elevate sea levels. Flooding would probably occur in coastal regions where about one-third of the human population and their economic infrastructure are concentrated. Low-lying cities, industrial areas and agricultural lands would be submerged.

2.   Most of the major rainforests in the world are low-lying and at the margin of water level. The global climate would be affected if they are removed due to submergence.

3.   The distribution of the climatic regions and ocean currents would be changed, leading to alterations of agricultural regions.

4.   Weather extremes are also expected to increase in frequency and severity. Some places would have increments in rainfall and some would have decrements. These would result in flooding or drought in various areas. Damaging hurricanes, typhoons and violent storms would also increase in intensity and occur more frequently.

5.   There would be increase in the average temperature of marine and freshwater bodies. These would affect cold-water fish and marine mammals, and would lead to undesirable competition for habitats and food sources.

6.   Global warming would also affect biodiversity. Some species would probably become extinct, particular those that only survive in narrow temperature ranges and those confined to small habitats. Ecosystems such as polar seas, coral reefs and mountains are considered to be more vulnerable to changes in climate.

7.   A warmer climate could alter disease pattern in unpredictable ways and favour the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. These would increase the spread of epidemics that affect humans and other organisms.

8.   Pests could become more active and grow faster. Consequently, damages of crops and spread of plant diseases would be faster, resulting in food shortage and famines.

Acid rain

      Acid rain refer to precipitation in the form of dilute acid solution. It is not a simple or a single phenomenon; its formation involves a sequence of chemical reactions and it occurs in many different places globally. Acid rain is formed by the reaction of various industrial pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides with naturally occurring oxygen and water vapour, forming acid solution. These acid solutions precipitate as rain or snow. Normally, rain water is slightly acidic owing to the presence of carbon dioxide in the air. Acid rain typically has a pH from 4.0 to 5.4. In some parts of the world, rain water with a pH as low as 2.5 has been recorded, i.e. the acidity is about 1,600 times that of normal precipitation.

The cause of acid rain

      The major processes of the formation of acid rain are as follows:

1.     Sulphur dioxide is the primary cause of acid rain. It is mainly released from the burning of fossil fuels in power stations, heavy industries and motor vehicles. In the atmosphere, SO2 reacts with oxygen in the air. Within about 43 days, it will be converted into sulphur trioxide. During this period, SO3 can be transported for a considerable distance by wind and then dissolved in rain water to from a dilute solution of sulphuric acid. Apart from forming H2SO4, SO2 can directly dissolves in rain water to form sulphurous acid.

2.   Nitrogen oxides are another cause of acid rain. The burning of fossil fuels in motor vehicles and power stations are mainly responsible for the release of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. Once nitrogen monoxide is formed, it will combine with atmospheric oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide. Following a series of chemical reactions, NO2 reacts with water and oxygen to form nitric acid.

The effects of acid rain

Acid rain is usually regarded as a regional problem rather than a global problem. It is because the acidic components remain in the atmosphere only for a short time period. However, acid rain is a serious problem in many places. The harmful effects are as follows:

1.   Acid rain causes damage to buildings, statues and monuments. Marble and various metals are corroded by acid rain.

2.   Acid rain causes human respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.

3.   Acid rain can damage tree foliage directly and weaken the trees so that they become more susceptible to diseases, insects and drought.

4.   Acid rain increases the acidity of soil. Soil has a natural capacity to neutralize some inputs of acids. This normal soil-buffering capacity will be depleted in the presence of acid rain. When the soil is below 4.5, most valuable nutrients are rapidly lost and bacterial activities will be greatly reduced. This affects the soil fertility and in turn, affects the growth of forest trees and crops.

5.   Acid rain can induce the release of aluminium ions from soil particles. Once released, the water-soluble aluminium ions may reach a concentration that is poisonous to plants. This can damage the roots of trees. Once the aluminium ions are washed into the water bodies, they can also kill aquatic organisms.

6.   Acid rain can acidify lakes. With an increased acidity, moderately toxic inorganic mercury compounds in lake-bottom sediment are converted into methylmercury, which is highly toxic and can accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals. The compound can reach high concentrations in food chains and food webs.