2. Human exploitation of natural resources has modified the environment. Give examples of renewable and non-renewable resources. What are the appropriate attitudes and practice in the wise use of our natural resources (e.g. timber and fish)?

Natural resources refer to all materials in nature that are required by humans for their well-beings. In other words, humans are totally dependent on natural resources for survival. For instance, they grow crops, catch fish, and rear livestock and poultry for food; they exploit fossil fuels for energy supply; they cut down timber, extract minerals, and collect water for various uses in industry, construction, and many aspects in daily life. Natural resources are customarily classified into renewable resources and non-renewable resources.

Over-exploitation of natural resources refers to the over-use of natural resources, which may eventually lead to their exhaustion. Human exploitation of natural resources has modified the environment. The improper use of natural resources and improper management of technology during exploitation may lead to adverse effects on the environment. In addition, the over-exploitation of natural resources and environmental problems today are closely, related to the increase in world population.


Renewable resources

Renewable resources are resources that can be regenerated fairly rapidly through natural processes. Examples include oxygen, minerals in soil, wildlife, timber, fish and fresh water. Theoretically, these resources are renewed naturally and are always available. However, if the rates of use exceed the rates of renewal, the resources will become depleted. Thus, the proper management of renewable resources becomes an important topic in environmental science.


Non-renewable resources

Non-renewable resources are resources that are limited in availability. They are fixed in total quantity in the Earth¡¦s crust and are not replenished by natural processes in short time scales. Notable examples include fossil fuels (petroleum, coal and natural gas) and minerals (including different types of metallic and non-metallic resources). They are essential for humans for various purposes. If these materials continue to be extracted rapidly, their exhaustion will be speeded up. Thus wise utilization of non-renewable resources and the adoption substitutions of these resources are essential.

Appropriate attitudes and practice in the wise use of our natural resources

Natural resources (e.g. fish, fresh water, etc.) are important to us. Some of them are renewable and some are non-renewable. We need to save the resources. Thus, we should not let the demand outweigh the supply. Otherwise, the resources will be run out very soon. Although some of them are renewable, we still can¡¦t waste them because it takes a long time to rebuild it.

      Government (e.g. The Marine Department) has planned a series of activities to enhance enforcement action against marine littering and the cleaning-up work in the harbour. Firstly, enforcement action against marine littering in identified black spots will be stepped up during Sundays and public holidays. Secondly, on floating refuse, he said that special operations would be launched in identified major marine refuse black spots including typhoon shelters and waters off ungazetted beaches during the Chinese New Year, closed-fishing and summer vacation periods next year. The department would also organize joint operations with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to clear the refuse at awash areas of ungazetted beaches during the summer vacation

      All we can do to help is following the regulations that the government set. For example no marine littering, don¡¦t go fishing during closed-fishing period.