9. Discuss on the recycling of wastes e.g. paper and aluminum.


The importance of recycling of waste materials

Recycling of waste materials helps to alleviate solid waste pollution to the environment. The benefits include the following:

1.      Reducing the rate of depletion of natural resources.

2.      Saving the energy used in mining and processing of natural resources.

3.      Reducing air pollution caused by incineration, mining and processing of natural resources.

4.      Lessening the needs for landfill sites.

5.      Saving the start-up costs and operation costs for waste treatment.

6.      Benefiting the community by creating more jobs other than burying or burning wastes.

7.      Educating people through, the practice of recycling, about the importance of proper waste disposal, thrifty use of natural resources and environmental protection.


The major problem in recycling

The major problem faced in recycling industry is the high costs involved in collection and separation of waste materials. However, the recycling rates of various materials have grown rapidly on a global scale because of its benefits to the environment.