Sustainable Development and

Conservation of Natural Resources

Human activities are altering the natural environment to such an extent that few natural ecosystems remain unaffected. These threaten the diversity of organisms and the quality of human life.


Sustainable development is the way of development that meets the present needs without compromising the needs for a good quality of life in our future generations. To achieve sustainability, humans should minimize their impact on the environment during their activities. To have sustainable development we need compact development, which is to grow the residential places upwards instead of outwards. This increase population density and spaces are saved for other purposes. It also allows energy to be utilized more efficiently. Also, the protection of habitats such as wetlands, meadows, marshes and mangroves is important to maintain biodiversity. Cautious development plans can help to protect the environment and prevent serious problems of pollution. Plantation can improve air quality, moderate the climate, and stabilize the soil and restore degrading lands. Trees also provide habitats for wildlife and timber for our future use. Thrifty use of water and effective measures to prevent the contamination of fresh water are important for the conservation of limited water resources. The reduction of motor vehicles reduces a lot of energy and air pollutants and can reduce the problems of air pollution, depletion of fossil fuels and land use in urbanization. Recycling wastes helps to reduce the consumption of natural resources.


Conservation is the wise management and use of natural resources and the exploitation of alternative resources. Efforts through partnerships between government and the community can help to conserve natural resources and protect our environment to a considerable extent. One of the conservations is the conservation of timber. The rate of regeneration of timber can be increased and the rate of destruction of timber can be reduced by the following ways. Firstly we can use fibers in fast-growing plants for the manufacture of paper. Also, we can plant faster growing fuel wood trees and shrubs in countries that are still depending heavily on fuel wood for energy. Next we can reforest areas where timbering has been operated. We can also reforest areas where fires have occurred and can create green belts for prevention of fire. Lastly we can control deforestation for agricultural, ranching, industrial and urbanization purposes. Another method is to increase the amount of forests through afforestation by planting trees in open or unproductive lands and lands which were formerly for land uses other than forestry. We can also reduce the consumption of timber through burning fuel wood more efficiently in some developing countries. We can also switch to the use of other energy sources in countries that are still depending heavily on fuel wood and can recycle used paper. Another conservation is the conservation of fishery resources. In order to do this, fishermen should return by-catch and under sized fishes to the sea alive and in a healthy condition. They should not be left to die and discards, which will minimize irreversible damage and permanent distortions of the marine ecosystem. Fishermen should also eliminate the use of heavy bottom-trawl gears in fishing, which greatly reduces the damage of bottom habitats. Precautionary concept should always be kept in mind, even when fish stocks are abundant. That fishery should not be established or expanded in ocean areas without a reliable estimation of the population of target species. Governments should also take actions in the conservation of fishery resources. They should set limits on catches. Monitor the actual catches of fishers. Limit the numbers of fishing fleets and fishing vessels. Set up marine to protect regions in areas where fish stocks have been over-exploited. And establish laws to deter and eliminate illegal fishing activities. Consumers can exert their influence by buying only fish with labeling or other forms of information about the sources, which help to combat illegal fishing activities.