9.Discuss on the recycling of wastes e.g.paper and aluminium.


Recycling is an important aspect in conservation.It is a strategy for reducing the pressure of huge amounts of solid wastes,conserving natural resources and reducing pollution problems.The term recycling has two dimension:recovery and utilization.Recovery refers to the collection of waste materials that can be reused.Utilization refers to the processing of diverted waste into new and useful materials and products.

Some of the solid wastes can be recycled.They can be classified under the categories of reusable materials and recyclable materials.Reusable materials(such as glass bottles)can be sold to relevant manufacturers.Recyclable materials include paper,metals(e.g.aluminium cans),certain types of plastics,tyres and other valuable materials.They are separated and then sold as raw materials for recycling.

Waste Recycling in Hong Kong

Domestic,commercial and industrial wastes are collectively known as municipal solid wastes in Hong Kong.The major kinds of recyclable wastes recovered include paper,plastics,metals,which account for the majority(98%) of the wastes recovered.The remaining(2%)are glass,wood,tyres and textile.

Hong Kong has a substantial waste recovery industry.The waste materials recovered are mainly for export.Consequently,they are confined to those with high commercial values,including waste paper,aluminium cans and other forms of metals.According to the Environmental Protection Department,there are about 300active waste recyclers in Hong Kong.Let's discuss the two major recyclable wastes:paper and metal.

Recycling of paper

The recovered waste paper was either recycled or re-processed locally,or exported to Mainland China and other countries for recycling.In the local waste paper recycling industry,there were about 120 private waste paper collectors and 2 paper recyclers in operation.The recycled paper produced by local recyclers were confined to those materials used for packaging.

Recycling of metals

Recycling of metallic wastes has been carried out in Hong Kong for several decades.The industry has been developed from individual waste collectors to large-scale collection and recycling industry.Metal wastes are broadly classified into ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals,e.g.aluminium.

In 2000,about 83% of the non-ferrous metal wastes generated in Hong Kong  were recovered.According to the Environmental Protection Department,there are about 150 non-ferrous waste metal dealers in Hong Kong.The wastes collected are separated into different types of metals before sales to local and overseas companies for recycling.


I think recycling is good for our earth.We should support it.